Discipline And Misconduct Policy

Guidelines and Awareness

Welcome to our answerwala.com community! We value open dialogue and respectful interactions among our members. To maintain a positive and constructive environment, we have established the following Discipline & Misconduct Policy. By participating in our community, you as well us #teamanswerwala agree to abide by these guidelines.

Respectful Behavior

Treat all members with respect and courtesy.

Avoid personal attacks, harassment, discrimination, or offensive language.

Do not engage in any behavior that disrupts the community or makes others feel unwelcome.


Provide accurate and truthful information.

Avoid spamming, trolling, or posting misleading content.

Intellectual Property

Respect copyright and intellectual property rights.

Do not plagiarize or infringe upon others’ work.


Do not share confidential or sensitive information about others without permission.

Respect the privacy of all community members.

Reporting Misconduct

If you encounter behavior that violates this policy, report it to the moderators/administrators immediately.

Provide evidence or details to support your report.

Consequences for Misconduct

Violations of this policy may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent banning from the community.

The severity of consequences will depend on the nature and frequency of the misconduct.

Appeals Process

Users have the right to appeal moderation decisions.

Appeals should be made in writing to the community administrators/moderators.

The administrators/moderators will review the appeal and respond accordingly.

Policy Updates

This policy may be updated or revised periodically. Users will be notified of any changes.

By participating in our community, you agree to adhere to this Discipline & Misconduct Policy. Thank you for helping us maintain a positive and productive environment for all members.

For further clarifications please email us at feedback@answerwala.com.

Written and Managed by #teamanswerwala on web @ https://answerwala.com (A venture from ASHTRIZ HIKINGS Pvt. Ltd.). (Version 11.23.001 on 18th November 2023)

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